The New Condensed Versions!
Mini Wealth-Bytes to Inspire and Expand!


These three small books will help you to become wealthy, contain that wealth and finally, to expand it in a way that will transform your life.

9 Keys to Become Wealthy
This little book shows you 9 important steps in the journey to creating wealth energy. It will change the way you approach making money and help you become someone who attracts wealth.

9 Keys to Contain Wealth
This little book shows you 9 key ways to contain and direct your wealth energy. It will change the way you look at money making and help you to keep the money in your life.

9 Keys to Expand Wealth
This little book shows you 8 key ways to look at money that will unlock the door to wealth energy. It will change the way you think about money and help you to bring more money into your life.

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‘It doesn't happen all at once. You become. It takes a long time.’
Margery Williams
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